
An old widow begging for food and money in Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia

Blessing & Begging

This kind old yeay (grandma) smiled at Emily and me when we gave her a few thousand riels, and said “May you have many, many grandchildren.” I guess time will tell if she’s right…… So I have a short guest post on the travel blog Bucket List Publications; it’s a blog aimed at helping people […]

The Khmer Angorian tempel of Bayon; known as the Mona Lisa of South East Asia.

Bayon Panorama: The Mona Lisa of Southeast Asia

Stepping back from the fame of the enigmatic, ambiguous faces, the Bayon is pretty impressive from afar. 9 photo HDR panorama, stitched in Photoshop’s photomerge feature. Please share my images—they are meant to be seen! Use them for your non-profit, on your blog, for fun and the like, but you must link to and […]

A buddhist monk, meditating and basking in the serenity at Yeak Loum Lake in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia.

Contemplation — លោក សង្ឈ នៅ យក្សឡោម, រតនគីរី, កម្ពុជា។

A Buddhist monk meditating, basking in the serenity of Yakloum Lake in Ratanakiri, Cambodia. Please share my images—they are meant to be seen! Use them for your non-profit, on your blog, for fun and the like, but you must link to and give credit to Ethan Crowley. All of my images are Creative Commons, […]

Sunset at Baphuon, Angkor Thom, Siem Riep; the king's personal temple.

Sunset at Baphuon – ប្រាសាទបាពួន

When we were visited Siem Reap last month, we decided to skip the massive crowds watching the sunset at Angkor Wat and Banteay Chmar. Instead we snuck up to the top of this massive pyramid. It was closed, so I talked the guard into giving tacit permission for us to let us up. It was […]

Monsoons and Rainy Season in Ratanakiri Province

Willing the Rains to Come

This is what Lake Komsaan will look like in a couple of months. Right now, the undergrowth surrounding the lake is dry and brown, and the water level is low. The sky has a distinct, end-of-dry-season tint, yellowish from the haze of dust and burning fields. Cannot wait for the New Year, and the cooling […]

Fishing for dinner in Bung Kan Seng lake

One Last Cast- Vintage Photo, circa 2006

This was probably one of the first decent photos I ever took. Believe it or not, I shot it with a old, 2003 model Canon point-and-shoot IXY DIgital. (remember the days before DSLRs were a dime-a-dozen? Seems like the dark ages now). I shot it in Ratanakiri in 2006. I was down by the lake […]

Basket Seller in Lompat, Cambodia on a Honda super cub

The Basket Man

Itinerant basket sellers; they ride all over Cambodia, from village to village, selling their wares. Their packing ability shows extraordinary resource and creativity—A westerner could never imagine getting even a sixteenth of that loaded…. Imagine spending all day on that moto seat…. serious pain! All of my images are Creative Commons, Non-Commercial… So feel free […]