I shot these photo just a couple minutes apart, I thought it was pretty funny. Cambodians can do almost anything on the back of a scooter, including nap; You often see moto-taxi drivers napping on their bikes while they wait for a customer.
I’m continually adding photos to this “Life on Two Wheels” photo series. All Southeast Asian’s are really creative with how they incorporate two-wheeled vehicles into their everyday lives; it displays their amazing resource and ingenuity.
Please feel free to share my images—they are meant to be seen! Use them for your non-profit, on your blog, for fun and the like, but please link to www.ethancrowley.com and give credit to Ethan Crowley. All of my images are Creative Commons, Non-Commercial
Tags: cambodia, Life on Two Wheels, Phnom Penh, Photography, Street Photography, Travel Photography