
riding an elephant down a jungle path

Riding through the Jungle

Riding an elephant down a jungle road in Northeast Cambodia. It’s a pretty cool area. Off to one side is a crater lake, and on the other is the steep bank, rising up away from the lake, covered in jungle. It’s pretty exotic and there’s bamboo groves everywhere. Please feel free to share my images—they […]

About: An Asian elephant, ridden by a Tampuan man

Horton hits a hundred — ដំរី អាយុុ មួយ រយ ឆ្នាំ

I guess when you need a smoke, you light up, even if you’re on an elephant. The elephant sat and eyed us, impassively, trunking an occasional handful of sugar cane into his mouth while I talked to his human. Elephants seem so wise and sage and discerning. I asked the Tampuan driver how old he […]